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Cylandia The Game

The goal of the game
The goal of the game is to help your Cy-B live a full life to a ripe old age and make as much money as possible. While playing CyLandia you can earn money, give birth to little Cy-Bs, and much more!

How to Start the Game
Press the <F7> button on the Shortcut bar, or open the Games Desktop and choose the CyLandia icon. Your Cybiko will display the intro screen. Press Enter to start the game.
If you don't want to start the game now, press <Esc> to exit.

5 life stages of a Cy-B

The first level, in which your Cy-B is small, fragile, and earless, lasts about 3 CyYears (3 human days). During this time, you must teach your Cy-B to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, wash hands and wash up, play sports, clean the room, and treat Cy-B's diseases.
During the second level, which lasts about 15 CyYears, your Cy-B is grows larger, but is still earless. The main objective during this stage is to prepare your Cy-B for a job. You must teach Cy-B to study, excel in sports exercises, and communicate with other Cy-Bs./li>
The goal of the third stage is to find a good job. Now Cy-B has ears and must perform all actions without your assistance. Cy-B can get a job by reading the annual newspaper. If Cy-B's capabilities satisfy the requirements of this vacancy, Cy-B gets a job.
In the fourth level, Cy-B is an adult, can fall in love and get married, enjoy family life and have a baby.
In the fifth stage, after your Cy-B has lived a long, prosperous life in CyLandia, it's time for Cy-B to take a rest
How to move the focus
If there are several Cy-Bs on your Cybiko, you can switch focus between them pressing <Fn>-<Left> or <Fn>-<Right>.

To switch the focus to the Toolbar press <Tab>.
Press <Àrrows> to switch between Toolbar icons and Hot-desires icons. If there is no Cy-B in the room and you press <Enter> or <Select>, the focus will switch to the nearest Cy-B.
To switch between active and non-active focus on Cy-B, press <Select>.
To switch from active to non-active focus on Cy-B, press <Esc>.
How to move Cy-B
Your Cy-B can go to the left or to the right within the room or leave it for the neighboring room. Cy-B will move until you stop it or until it hits a wall.

Move the active focus to Cy-B.
Press <Left/Right arrows> to move Cy-B to the left/right.
To stop Cy-B, press an arrow (either <Left> or <Right>) again.
How to move about the rooms

Move the focus on the room or change Cy-B focus to passive.
Press <Left/Right arrows> to scroll through the rooms. For example:
How to teach Cy-B to do something
At the beginning, your Cy-B cannot do anything by itself and you should teach it. You need to "suggest" to Cy-B that it do something. Your Cy-B can agree or refuse to do so. Cy-B may have bad habits taken from their parents and it may refuse to perform some useful action. In this case you may force Cy-B to do this in order to instill a good habit.

How to have Cy-B do things
Move the focus on Cy-B. Cy-B may move or be at a standstill. You will see some icon above Cy-B. This icon represents the action that Cy-B can do. Press <Enter>.

Hot-Desires and Upbringing
A hot-desire is what Cy-B wants right now. You may fulfill it in the following two ways:

"Manual way." You move your Cy-B to the proper place in the correct room and perform the action.
"Automatic way." You choose the proper icon and press <Enter>. Cy-B will take care of its need.
How to praise or discipline
You can praise Cy-B when it performs some action by itself. In order to break the bad habits you may scold Cy-B. You can praise or scold Cy-B only if the appropriate icon appears above it.

Move the focus to Cy-B when the proper icon appears above its head.
Hit <Enter>.
How to view skills and score

Move the focus to the Cy-B.
Then move the focus to the Toolbar. Choose the Skills icon on the Toolbar.
Press <Enter>. You'll see the Score and Skills screen.
You can see two bars in Skills screen. The black bar designates the value of Cy-B's skill, while the white bar designates the value of the respective desire. If the white bar is filled, then Cy-B's Hot-desire appears. Press <Enter> to fulfill it.

How to perform actions with Inventory and trade with other players

Then move the focus to the Toolbar. Choose the Inventory icon on the Toolbar.
Press <Enter>. You'll see the Inventory screen.
You can sell or buy different things here, including shares. Select an Item, press <Enter>. You will see Actions menu.

How to choose the share

Choose the Inventory icon on the Toolbar. Press <Enter>.
Choose the item Shares (the upper part). Press <Enter>.
You will see the list of companies in CyLandia. You can buy and sell shares.

How to buy (stock)

Choose the product or the share you wish to buy.
Press <Ins>. You will see the Buy Card for this product or share.
Use <Ins> or <Up arrow> to increase the quantity.
Use <Del> or <Down arrow> to decrease the quantity.
Press <Enter>.
How to sell (stock)

Choose the product or the share you wish to sell.
Press <Del>. You will see the Sell Card for this product or share.
Use <Del> or <Up arrow> to increase the quantity.
Use <Ins> or <Down arrow> to decrease the quantity.
Press <Enter>.
How to sell to other players

Choose the product or the share you wish to sell.
Press <Fn> <Del>. You will see the list of all people around.
Use <Up/Down arrows> to choose the person.
Press <Enter>. You will see the Sell to Friend card.
Use <Tab> to move through the edit string Cost and controls," OK", and "Cancel."
Use the keypad to enter the desired cost for selling - you may increase it or decrease it.
How to place something in the Pocket
· Use <Up/Down arrows> to choose the item.
· Press <Select> to put the item into Cy-B's pocket. At the lower left corner you will see the icon.

How to take something out of the Pocket
· Use <Up/Down arrows> to choose the Pocket item.
· Press <Select> to take it out of the pocket and bring it to Inventory.

How to read the newspaper

Move the focus to Cy-B.
"Bring" Cy-B to the door. If there is newspaper at the door, the icon appears above Cy-B head, press <Enter>. You will see the newspaper page with current information. If you desire to get hooked up with a job, press <Select>.
Press <Enter> to turn over a page.
Press <Esc> to close the newspaper.
How to Exit the Game

Move the focus on the room or on the Toolbar.
Press <Esc>.
List of Companies


GCM- Global Cyber Meals
BCF- Best Cyber Food
CFA- CyLandia Farm Association


RCD- Royal Cyber Drinks
ICB- International Cyber Beverages
CMW- Cylandia Mineral Water


CE- CyLandia Electric
PPC- Plus Power Corp.
IEHC- International Electricity & Heat Corporation


CGT- CyLandia Global Telecom
SCC- Satellite Cyber Communications
COL- CyLandia On-Line


CPC- Cyber Pharmaceutical Corporation
IPI- International Pharmacology Institute
MHA- Medical & Health Association


Cylandia Cheats

Full IQ

When your Cy-B is old enough to read, just buy the book (making him want to read it) and make him read it, then sell the book and buy it again, so he will willingly read over and over. If you are wondering that you will go bankrupt, just read the cheat below.

Free Money

Just go to settings, set the clock to 5:59 am and then press the button to jump to Cylandia. When Cylandia loads up, it should say NIGHT BEGINS. Wait for about 45 seconds and it will say DAY BEGINS. BOOM! you are about 750 dollars richer

Free sociality and loyalty

Just free up so that he/she jumps, and as soon as he starts to come down press up again. eventually he will start jumping really high, and after jumping 9 times or so your score for sociability and loyalty will go up 1.

You can do the same with petting, as soon as your hand is at the tail press pet again, after a few his head should go up and then you will get the same points.

Free strength

As with reading, just buy the Gym, use it, sell it, repeat.
