Mp3 Player


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Mp3 Player


Mp3 Player Instrustion

What is the Cybiko MP3 Player?
The Cybiko MP3 player is an accessory for the Cybiko computer. In fact, it is a full-scale MP3-audio player that provides CD quality stereo output. The player gets power from your Cybiko computer and can't be used apart from it.
The things you need to use the Player:
Cybiko MP3 Player, Cybiko computer with appropriate System Pack, SmartMedia Card (SMC) and headphones.
To download files onto the MP3 cartridge, you need a PC or Mac with USB port, a USB cable, and the USB software that we provide to you. Your PC or Mac must be running under the appropriate version of OS.

How does it work?
Your favorite tunes are stored on the SmartMedia Card (SMC) that must be inserted into the player. So you must purchase a one or more. You load your tunes onto the SMC from your PC or Mac. To do this, we provide you with the free special software for the USB port. This software should be installed onto your PC or Mac.
The role of the USB software is to make your PC or Mac show your MP3 player on their screens in a customary form.
If you use a PC, the new Removable Disk will appear in an Explorer window. If you are a Mac user, you will use a friendly program - Cybiko MP3 Loader. Anyway, to download tunes to the SMC, you will operate with files on your personal computer in the same way as you usually do!
Thus, you must download for free and install the USB software to be able to download tunes onto your player.
The MP3 player is all-sufficient (besides the power source) and has a headphone jack and common control buttons to control your player. You may use any appropriate headphones.
You can use SMC to store common Cybiko computer games and applications, except the few of them that are not compatible with the MP3 Player.

How to get started
You should do the following, step-by-step, to easily start using your MP3 Player! It's really simple
First, you should buy an SMC to on which you will store your tunes. You can use any appropriate SMC. Your MP3 player won't work without one.
Have got SMC? Go further!
For PC users - you must download for free and install onto your PC the USB drivers.
For Mac users - you must download for free and install onto your Mac the MP3 Loader program (BinHex or MacBinary version).
Otherwise, you can't download mp3 files onto your MP3 Player Be sure that you not only downloaded the Setup file, but also ran it so the software is installed.
Installed? Go further!
Third, attach your Cybiko MP3 Player to your Cybiko computer, attach the USB cable both to the Player and USB port on your PC or Mac. After this:
PC users open Explorer and see the new Removable Disk - it is your player!
Mac users start the Cybiko MP3 Loader that serves your MP3 Player.
Attached? Keep Going!
And finally, you can copy or move mp3-files between your personal computer and SMC that is presented in a customary form on your personal computer.
Done? GREAT!
When at least one mp3-file is stored on your SMC, you'll be able to enjoy your tunes!!

How to control Cybiko MP3 Player
Usually you control the MP3 Player with the buttons on it. Simply insert an SMC card into the Player and press the Play button to listen to the tunes stored on the SMC. We guess that you have downloaded mp3-files on the SMC.
If you want more control over the player, you need to download the MP3 Player application from our site to your Cybiko computer - just start CyberLoad and select the MP3 app to download. This application provides extended control (equalizer, play-list edition and others). Note, that you download this application onto your Cybiko computer and use it as any other Cybiko computer application that provides you functionality thru the keyboard. While using this application you still can use the control keys on the MP3 Player.
When you insert an SMC into the MP3 Player, it automatically builds the list of tunes that it found on the SMC - "play-list". Just press the Play button to start playing. You can switch along the play-list to choose the tune. The MP3 Application running on the Cybiko computer provides you with the ability to edit the play-list.

What is a SmartMedia Card (SMC) and what is it for?
The SmartMedia Card (SMC) is a standard flash-memory card that is widely used in electronic devices. The SMC is a small, thin card (45mm x 37mm x 0.76mm thick) that fits into the slot on the back of the MP3 Player to provide the memory for the storage of your tunes. Your MP3 Player won't work without one. You can buy an SMC for whatever capacity you need: 4Mb, 8Mb, 16Mb, 32Mb or 64Mb.
Plug the SMC into the MP3 Player and use it to store MP3 files. Of course you can use several SMCs to store additional files. When you're ready for a change, just plug a different card into the cartridge. The possibilities are endless!
Please do not confuse the SMC with our Cybiko computer 1Mb Memory Card.
In addition, you can use SMC to store common Cybiko games and applications except for the few of them that are incompatible with the MP3 Player.

What is the USB software and what is it for?
The USB software highly simplifies the access to your SMC from your PC or Mac. We provide it to you for free.
When your SMC is plugged into your Cybiko MP3 Player and it is connected to a personal computer with the USB cable, it shows your SMC card on the screen in a customary form. For PC users, a Removable Disk appears in Windows Explorer, and Mac users can use Cybiko MP3 Loader in addition to Mac Finder. That way, you can easily exchange files between your personal computer and SMC.
Before you use your MP3 Player for the first time:
PC users will need to install the beta version of Cybiko MP3 USB Drivers on your PC.
Mac users will need to install Cybiko MP3 Loader.
Then, you'll need to attach the SMC card to your MP3 player, and download MP3 files onto the SMC via Windows Explorer, or exchange files between Mac Finder and Cybiko MP3 Loader.

Want to learn more about your MP3 Player? - Read Manual
You can read online Manual or you can download the full Manual in PDF format to your PC.

Music, Music, Music...
Click here to view a huge selection of every style of tunes, in MP3 format.

Want to convert a CD track to an mp3 file?
Click here to find one of the best CD-to-MP3 converters out there.

Specifications & System Requirements
Click here to see Specifications and System Requirements.
PC users - PC must be running under Windows'98-SE / ME / 2000.
Mac users - Macintosh must be running under MacOS 8.6 or higher.
And be sure you have installed System Pack v.56 or later on your Cybiko computer.

Where to buy hot accessories
You can grab an SMC, headphones and other hot accessories at It is an easy, low-cost way to get the goods now!
Check out our Labtec Curve wrap-around headphones in our online shop-high quality at a great price!

Precautions and Advices
Before installing USB drivers on the PC, be sure it is running under Windows'98-SE / ME / 2000.
Be sure you have installed System Pack v.56 or later on your Cybiko computer.
We recommend you reboot your Cybiko computer after downloading the MP3 application on it.
If possible, please avoid using an SMC that has been shared between several different digital devices which may have different design features. For example, if you use an SMC for a digital camera, be very careful of using it in an MP3 cartridge. The SMC will not be damaged, but it may require special formatting. Refer to the F.A.Q. or our technical support for details.
Never remove the SMC from your MP3 player cartridge while you are running an application or playing a game that is stored on the SMC card.
Never remove or insert the MP3 player when the Cybiko computer is ON. (We recommend turning off your Cybiko computer before plugging in or unplugging the MP3 cartridge.)

Mp3 player FAQ

Question: What is the SmartMediaTM Card (SMC)?

Answer: The SmartMediaTM Card is a standard flash-memory card that is widely used in electronic devices. The SMC is a small, thin card that fits into the slot on the back of the MP3 player cartridge to provide the MP3's memory. Your MP3 player won't work without one.
You can buy an SMC card of whatever capacity you need: 4Mb, 8Mb, 16Mb, 32Mb or 64Mb.
Plug the SmartMediaTM card into the MP3 Player and use it to store MP3 files.
You can use several SmartMediaTM cards to store different files. When you're ready for a change, just plug a different card into the cartridge. The possibilities are endless!
Please do not confuse the SMC Memory Card with our Cybiko 1Mg Memory Card. The Cybiko 1Mg Memory card fits into the expansion port of the Cybiko computer itself, in the same port the MP3 Player cartridge uses. Since the Cybiko 1Mg Memory card and the MP3 player both use the same slot, you can plug in one or the other but not both at the same time.

Question: What is the USB driver, and what is it used for?

Answer: The USB driver for Windows 98SE / Me / 2000 is a kind of interface that allows you to access your SMC card from your PC. When your SMC is plugged into your Cybiko MP3 cartridge and your Cybiko computer is plugged into your PC with the USB cable, the USB driver shows your SMC card on your PC screen as a Removable Disk in Windows Explorer. That way, you can easily exchange files between your PC and SMC.
Before you use your MP3 player for the first time, youll need to install the Cybiko MP3 USB Drivers on your PC. Then youll need to attach the SMC card to your MP3 player, and download MP3 files from your PC onto the SMC card via Windows Explorer.

Problem: I have installed USB drivers but my computer still doesn't recognize my MP3 cartridge with SMC inserted as 'Removable disk'.

Solution: You have to do the following:
1. Insert a MP3 cartridge into your Cybiko computer.
2. Turn the Cybiko computer on.
3. Connect the MP3 cartridge to your PC via USB cable.
4. Run Control panel (Start/Settings/Control Panel)
5. Run "System" applet
6. Select "Device Manager" tab if you are under Win98/WinME or choose 'Hardware' tab and click 'Device Manager' button if you are under Win2000.
7. Select "Unknown device" (with yellow exclamation) and click Properties button
8. Select "Driver" tab and click "Update driver" button
9. Click "Next" button, then again "Next"
10. Mark "Specify a location" checkbox and enter "%SystemRoot%\Inf" (%SystemRoot% is the folder where Windows are installed, C:\Windows by default) in a field below
11. Click "Next" button, wait and click "Next" again
12. Click "Finish" button
Important note: Never connect the MP3 cartridge to your PC before the USB MP3 drivers are installed to avoid the problem!

Question: While recording/reading/deleting an MP3 file, I accidentally unplugged the USB cable. Now my SMC has less memory than it had before. How can I fix this?

Answer: Never remove the SMC while any file operation is running! It can damage the SMC, which is probably the cause of your problem. But accidents do happen. So in case of an unintentional disconnect while running an SMC file operation, first check the SMC using "Check Now" command. If the system is damaged, try to repair it using standard Windows utilities. If this doesn't help, try formatting the SMC again.

Question: When I try to copy a file the copying window doesnt appear. How can I realize that the copying is in process?

Answer: This problem sometimes encountered under Win98/WinME. When the copying is in process the red light on the Mp3 cartridge is blinking or is lit.

Question: What can I do in case flash is corrupted by unplugging it while writing or some file error occurs?

Answer: You can restore all the information if you perform the following:
Insert cartridge into your Cybiko computer. Run Windows Explorer. Click the right mouse button on the Removable disk. Choose Properties/Tools. Press the button "Check now..." You will see the dialog-box "Check disk". Uncheck all the check boxes and press Start button. If all the above didnt help you in restoring the information, you need to format the SMC.
To format your SMC perform the following:
Stick the cartridge into the device. Run Windows Explorer. Click the right mouse button on the Removable disk. Choose Format. You will see the dialog-box "Format". Choose the "FAT" item in the File System option. (Other fields are without changes.) Press Start button.
Note: The choice of an option of formatting does not influence formatting. The format will be carried out always as FAT

Problem: I have enough free space on the SMC to download a file, but when I try to do it "The disk is full" message appears.

Solution: Due to features of the file system FAT12 that is used for SMC the number of files on SMC is limited and depends on the length of their names. If you meet this error it means that its impossible to save more files on the SMC. Please delete some unused files and copy the needed files.

All Credit For This Page Gos To Cybiko Inc.