Cybiko Tips And Tricks


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Cybiko Tips And Tricks

Cybiko Tricks

To go into suspend mode in the old version cybikos, hold fn and the escape key.

To mute your cybiko without going to the system options, hold fn and the desktop button at the top.

fn and the application button at the top, turns on/off the alarm.

fn and the communication button at the top turn of/off the vibration.

pressing a on the desktop shows how much battery you have left

pressing h on the desktop, tells you the system information

To make sure people can view your profile, cypage, and business card; make sure there is a eyeball in front of each section. To change it, keep moving to the left. An X means it invisible.

Cybiko Advice

For a better chance of finding people with cybikos, go to malls, concerts, your school, and sporting events.

If your having problems with your batteries always running out, just remember to charge them overnight.

GET THE CASE!!!, this DRASTICLY improves the well being of your screen. Mine is barely scratched(except for one spot, where an idiot at school used the stylus on the screen, thinking it was a palm pilot)

A sunrise; Actual size=300 pixels wide